EBS UPGRADE from 11i( to 12.2.5 or 12.2.6 and
DB from to 12c
Below Pre-upgrade steps on 12.2
servers can be done well in advance before the actual upgrade downtime.
Pre-upgrade Steps on 12.2
1. Install R12.2 File system
a) Run startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/buildStage.sh
to Build the stage area of the software from the zip files that are downloaded from edelivery.
b) Run rapidwiz and choose options as below on the relevant screen
-- Upgrade to Oracle EBS R12.2.0
-- Create Upgrade Filesytem
2. Run ETCC on MT
3. Apply The patches recommended by ETCC to
-- Forms Home
-- WebTier Home
-- Oracle Common Home
-- Weblogic Server
4. Install 12c DB Oracle Home.
5. Run ETCC on DB
6. Apply the recommended patches to 12c DB home
Pre-Upgrade Steps on 11i
1. One way to start-off, is to take a full backup of Prod and perform pre-upgrade steps directly on Prod.
2. Take a fresh clone of 11i Prod instance.(Recommended process compared to above)
3. Build a DR from the new clone to the R12.2 DB server where R12 instance will be built.
For 11g Home, Use a different location other than the 12c Home installed above.
The concept of DR is nothing related to upgrade but since,
rsync or copy of DB(datafiles) from 11i to R12 will delay the upgrade process. This can be avoided using the DR.
Do Not Activate the Standby database yet.
==== Upgrade Window starts here ============
=====Make a note of all the timings for each step from here on.=========
4. Apply the Minimum Baseline patches on 11i required for the upgrade.
Merge and apply all the patches to save time.(except AD patches- don't merge AD with others )
5. Handover the instance to Technical and functional teams for their pre-upgrade steps.
SLA Pre Upgrade program to be completed by them at this point.
6. Other Major pre-upgrade steps include
a) Disable AOL Audit Trail - Run this program
b) Run Gather Schema Statistics for ALL schemas
c) Collect information of DBA DIRECTORIES and DB LINKS.
d) Disable Custom triggers,indexes,constraints.
e) Add datafiles to APPS and SYSTEM tablespaces.
Once the Pre-upgrade steps on 11i are completed by Tech/Func teams, we can ACTIVATE the DR.
DB Upgrade to 12c
1. Ensure DR is in sync with the primary and Activate the Standby database using 11g Home.
2. Perform the pre-DB upgrade steps on 11g home.
a)Copy the below sql's from 12c Home to 11g Home and execute them.
Set ENV to 11g Home and run
SQL> @preupgrd.sql
SQL> @utluppkg.sql
Preupgrd.sql will create below files.
preupgrade.log : The results of all the checks performed.Check and perform any manual steps that are advised.
preupgrade_fixups.sql : A fixup script that should be run before the upgrade.
postupgrade_fixups.sql : A fixup script that should be run after the upgrade.
b) Run preupgrade_fixups.sql and any manual steps recommended.
3. Perform the DB upgrade using DBUA.
Set ENV to 12c Oracle home.
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ ./dbua.sh
Choose options as below where applicable on the DBUA screens
-- Upgrade Oracle database
-- Check and Provide Source Database Home location
-- Makre sure Pre-req checks are successful
-- Choose -- Recompile Invalids during post-upgrade and
-- Choose -- Upgrade timezone Data
-- Choose -- I have my own backup and restore strategy
4. Run postupgrade_fixups.sql
5. Run utlu121s.sql to confirm upgrade went fine.
6. Run adgrants.sql and adstats.sql(Copy from $APPL_TOP/admin)
7. Run Datapatch to update ETCC patches inside Database
8. Delete Source Node information from Database
As APPS user
SQL> exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean;
9. Run Autoconfig
12.2.0 Upgrade
1. Update any concurrent requests that are pending scheduled to Hold status.
2. Disable Archive log and set SGA,PGA,SESSIONS and PROCESSES as required for upgrade.
3. Run adgncons.sql from patch 13435302 and perform steps recommended.
a) Merge and Apply the pre-install patches
R12.1 and 12.2 Oracle E-Business Suite Preinstall Patches Report [Video] (Doc ID 1448102.2)
b) Apply the Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP) for Release 12.2.0 (Patch 22742071:12.2.0)
in pre-installation mode on the Run Edition File System.
b) Merge and Apply AD CUP7 patches or latest CUP available.
Apply the AD Upgrade Patch for Release 12.2 (Patch 10117518)
by merging it with the latest Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP) for AD (Patch 22742061:R12.AD.C).
Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1320300.1) -- For latest CUP7 and AD CUP7 patches
5. Merge preinstall patches with Upgrade Driver
cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver
admrgpch -d . -preinstall -master u10124646.drv
6. Apply 12.2 upgrade patch driver
cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver
time adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion flags=nologging driver=u_merged.drv logfile=u_r122merged_`echo $TWO_TASK`_`date '+%d%B%Y_%H_%M_%S'`.log workers=16
(Provide batch size =30000)
Workers and batchsize depending on the number of CPU's on DB node.
7. Configure Domains to enable Managed Servers
Run rapidwiz and choose options as below wherever applicable
-- Upgrade to EBS R12.2.0
-- Configure Upgraded R12.2.0 and provide the full path to Context File location
a) Start the application services.
b) Wait and make sure all upgrade related concurrent requests are completed.
c) Stop the application services.
Online Patching Enablement
1. Apply latest Online Patching Enablement Readiness Report Patch 22071026.
2. Run Online Patching Readines report - $AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPSUM.sql.Review the generated Report and fix any issues reported.
3. Run below scripts located at $AD_TOP/sql
4. Add tablespaces as needed
perl $AD_TOP/bin/adzdreport.pl apps
Choose 3. Other generic reports
and then choose 3. Free space in important tablespaces
5. Make sure AD_ZD objects are all valid.
select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where object_name like 'AD_ZD_%' and status='INVALID';
6. Apply the Online Patching Enablement patch 13543062 in hotpatch mode on Run FS.
When AutoPatch prompts with the following question, answer "Y"
This Patch seems to have been applied already.
Would you like to continue anyway [N] ? Y
Run Online Patching Status Report,ADZDEXRPT.sql after Online Enablement Patch
Run the Readiness Scripts again
Run the Online Patching Database Compliance Checker report,ADZDDBCC.sql to check for coding standards violations.
12.2.5 Upgrade
1. Copy adgrants.sql from patch 22123818 to DB HOME and run as sysdba.
2. Merge and Apply Bundle fixes and AD.DELTA.7 patches. Apply them in Downtime mode.
R12.AD.C.DELTA.7 PATCH - 20745242
adop phase=apply patches=20745242,21841288,22123818 apply_mode=downtime merge=yes
3. Apply Patch 20784380:R12.TXK.C.Delta.7 merged with Bundle fixes
4. Generate and copy appsutil.zip to DB home and unzip using -o option.
5. Run Autoconfig on DB.
6. Apply 12.2.5 Upgrade patch in downtime mode.
adop phase=apply patches=19676458 apply_mode=downtime
7. Apply Online help patch 19676460 in downtime.
8. Apply Latest Apps CPU Patch
9. Run Patch Wizard and Apply recommended patches
10. Startup application services and wait for completion of any upgrade requests and shutdown services.
In case, you want to go with 12.2.6 upgrade instead of 12.2.5 below are the patches required.
1. Install R12.2 File system
a) Run startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/buildStage.sh
to Build the stage area of the software from the zip files that are downloaded from edelivery.
b) Run rapidwiz and choose options as below on the relevant screen
-- Upgrade to Oracle EBS R12.2.0
-- Create Upgrade Filesytem
2. Run ETCC on MT
3. Apply The patches recommended by ETCC to
-- Forms Home
-- WebTier Home
-- Oracle Common Home
-- Weblogic Server
4. Install 12c DB Oracle Home.
5. Run ETCC on DB
6. Apply the recommended patches to 12c DB home
Pre-Upgrade Steps on 11i
1. One way to start-off, is to take a full backup of Prod and perform pre-upgrade steps directly on Prod.
2. Take a fresh clone of 11i Prod instance.(Recommended process compared to above)
3. Build a DR from the new clone to the R12.2 DB server where R12 instance will be built.
For 11g Home, Use a different location other than the 12c Home installed above.
The concept of DR is nothing related to upgrade but since,
rsync or copy of DB(datafiles) from 11i to R12 will delay the upgrade process. This can be avoided using the DR.
Do Not Activate the Standby database yet.
==== Upgrade Window starts here ============
=====Make a note of all the timings for each step from here on.=========
4. Apply the Minimum Baseline patches on 11i required for the upgrade.
Merge and apply all the patches to save time.(except AD patches- don't merge AD with others )
5. Handover the instance to Technical and functional teams for their pre-upgrade steps.
SLA Pre Upgrade program to be completed by them at this point.
6. Other Major pre-upgrade steps include
a) Disable AOL Audit Trail - Run this program
b) Run Gather Schema Statistics for ALL schemas
c) Collect information of DBA DIRECTORIES and DB LINKS.
d) Disable Custom triggers,indexes,constraints.
e) Add datafiles to APPS and SYSTEM tablespaces.
Once the Pre-upgrade steps on 11i are completed by Tech/Func teams, we can ACTIVATE the DR.
DB Upgrade to 12c
1. Ensure DR is in sync with the primary and Activate the Standby database using 11g Home.
2. Perform the pre-DB upgrade steps on 11g home.
a)Copy the below sql's from 12c Home to 11g Home and execute them.
Set ENV to 11g Home and run
SQL> @preupgrd.sql
SQL> @utluppkg.sql
Preupgrd.sql will create below files.
preupgrade.log : The results of all the checks performed.Check and perform any manual steps that are advised.
preupgrade_fixups.sql : A fixup script that should be run before the upgrade.
postupgrade_fixups.sql : A fixup script that should be run after the upgrade.
b) Run preupgrade_fixups.sql and any manual steps recommended.
3. Perform the DB upgrade using DBUA.
Set ENV to 12c Oracle home.
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ ./dbua.sh
Choose options as below where applicable on the DBUA screens
-- Upgrade Oracle database
-- Check and Provide Source Database Home location
-- Makre sure Pre-req checks are successful
-- Choose -- Recompile Invalids during post-upgrade and
-- Choose -- Upgrade timezone Data
-- Choose -- I have my own backup and restore strategy
4. Run postupgrade_fixups.sql
5. Run utlu121s.sql to confirm upgrade went fine.
6. Run adgrants.sql and adstats.sql(Copy from $APPL_TOP/admin)
7. Run Datapatch to update ETCC patches inside Database
8. Delete Source Node information from Database
As APPS user
SQL> exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean;
9. Run Autoconfig
12.2.0 Upgrade
1. Update any concurrent requests that are pending scheduled to Hold status.
2. Disable Archive log and set SGA,PGA,SESSIONS and PROCESSES as required for upgrade.
3. Run adgncons.sql from patch 13435302 and perform steps recommended.
a) Merge and Apply the pre-install patches
R12.1 and 12.2 Oracle E-Business Suite Preinstall Patches Report [Video] (Doc ID 1448102.2)
b) Apply the Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP) for Release 12.2.0 (Patch 22742071:12.2.0)
in pre-installation mode on the Run Edition File System.
b) Merge and Apply AD CUP7 patches or latest CUP available.
Apply the AD Upgrade Patch for Release 12.2 (Patch 10117518)
by merging it with the latest Consolidated Upgrade Patch (CUP) for AD (Patch 22742061:R12.AD.C).
Oracle E-Business Suite Release Notes, Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1320300.1) -- For latest CUP7 and AD CUP7 patches
5. Merge preinstall patches with Upgrade Driver
cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver
admrgpch -d . -preinstall -master u10124646.drv
6. Apply 12.2 upgrade patch driver
cd $AU_TOP/patch/115/driver
time adpatch options=nocopyportion,nogenerateportion flags=nologging driver=u_merged.drv logfile=u_r122merged_`echo $TWO_TASK`_`date '+%d%B%Y_%H_%M_%S'`.log workers=16
(Provide batch size =30000)
Workers and batchsize depending on the number of CPU's on DB node.
7. Configure Domains to enable Managed Servers
Run rapidwiz and choose options as below wherever applicable
-- Upgrade to EBS R12.2.0
-- Configure Upgraded R12.2.0 and provide the full path to Context File location
a) Start the application services.
b) Wait and make sure all upgrade related concurrent requests are completed.
c) Stop the application services.
Online Patching Enablement
1. Apply latest Online Patching Enablement Readiness Report Patch 22071026.
2. Run Online Patching Readines report - $AD_TOP/sql/ADZDPSUM.sql.Review the generated Report and fix any issues reported.
3. Run below scripts located at $AD_TOP/sql
4. Add tablespaces as needed
perl $AD_TOP/bin/adzdreport.pl apps
Choose 3. Other generic reports
and then choose 3. Free space in important tablespaces
5. Make sure AD_ZD objects are all valid.
select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where object_name like 'AD_ZD_%' and status='INVALID';
6. Apply the Online Patching Enablement patch 13543062 in hotpatch mode on Run FS.
When AutoPatch prompts with the following question, answer "Y"
This Patch seems to have been applied already.
Would you like to continue anyway [N] ? Y
Run Online Patching Status Report,ADZDEXRPT.sql after Online Enablement Patch
Run the Readiness Scripts again
Run the Online Patching Database Compliance Checker report,ADZDDBCC.sql to check for coding standards violations.
12.2.5 Upgrade
1. Copy adgrants.sql from patch 22123818 to DB HOME and run as sysdba.
2. Merge and Apply Bundle fixes and AD.DELTA.7 patches. Apply them in Downtime mode.
R12.AD.C.DELTA.7 PATCH - 20745242
adop phase=apply patches=20745242,21841288,22123818 apply_mode=downtime merge=yes
3. Apply Patch 20784380:R12.TXK.C.Delta.7 merged with Bundle fixes
4. Generate and copy appsutil.zip to DB home and unzip using -o option.
5. Run Autoconfig on DB.
6. Apply 12.2.5 Upgrade patch in downtime mode.
adop phase=apply patches=19676458 apply_mode=downtime
7. Apply Online help patch 19676460 in downtime.
8. Apply Latest Apps CPU Patch
9. Run Patch Wizard and Apply recommended patches
10. Startup application services and wait for completion of any upgrade requests and shutdown services.
In case, you want to go with 12.2.6 upgrade instead of 12.2.5 below are the patches required.
For 12.2.6 Upgrade
AD.8 and TXK.8 are the pre-requisites for 12.2.6.
R12.AD.C.Delta.8 (Patch 21841299) and
R12.TXK.C.Delta.8 (Patch 21830810 )
Oracle E-Business Suite Applications DBA and Technology Stack Release Notes for R12.AD.C.Delta.8 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.8 (Doc ID 2159750.1)
2114016.1 - 'Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6 Readme'.
The latest RUPs are R12.AD.C.Delta.9 (Patch 25178222) and R12.TXK.C.Delta.9 (Patch 25180736).
Upgrade JRE if required
1. unzip p22961063_18077_WINNT.zip
2. mv jre-8u77-windows-i586.exe j2se18077.exe
3. cp j2se18077.exe $COMMON_TOP/webapps/oacore/util/javaplugin
4. Provide 644 permissions to j2se18077.exe
5. $FND_TOP/bin/txkSetPlugin.sh 18077 ( This will run Autoconfig and will set the new Jre in the Env)
Register any CUSTOM Products
1. Copy the CUSTOM TOP directory from 11i to 12.2 APPL_TOP.
2. Rename the 11.5.0 directory under CUSTOM_TOP to 12.0.0
3. cd 3636980/izu/admin
mv izuprod.txt customprod.txt
mv izuterr.txt customterr.txt
cp newprods.txt $APPL_TOP/admin
cp customterr.txt $APPL_TOP/admin
cp customprod.txt $APPL_TOP/admin
cd $APPL_TOP/admin
vi customprod.txt
Replace all ocurrence of izu with custom ,IZU with CUSTOM and 278 with 20081
vi customterr.txt
Replace all ocurrence of izu with custom ,IZU with CUSTOM and 278 with 20081 and Oracle_Support_Diagnostic_Tools with "CUSTOM".
vi newprods.txt and make
20081 - Product ID should work most of the times,
else check the existing used ones and provide an unused product ID.
select ORACLE_ID,ORACLE_USERNAME from fnd_oracle_userid where ORACLE_ID > 20000;
3. Run adsplice
This runs autoconfig and sets the Env with New product Top (CUSTOM_TOP)
4. Add entries for CUSTOM_TOP in Adop_sync.drv file under APPL_TOP_NE
rsync -zr %s_current_base%/EBSapps/appl/custom %s_other_base%/EBSapps/appl
rsync -zr %s_current_base%/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/custom %s_other_base%/EBSapps/comn/java/classes
5. Upload the New context_file to DB
Source the RUN filesystem
$ADJVAPRG oracle.apps.ad.autoconfig.oam.CtxSynchronizer action=upload contextfile=Enter Full Patch Context XML File Location logfile=/tmp/patchctxupload.log
Run the following query and it should return one entry for the recently uploaded context file.
select distinct(PATH) from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES where NAME not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA','config.txt') and CTX_TYPE='A' and (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')) and EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') = 'patch';
Configure Central Inventory
The concept of central inventory will be very useful in
cases where there are multiple instances on the same server.
Normally, inventory is placed in a location which is commonly shared by all the instances on that server. Such configuration poses a lot of problems during clones. But enabling central inventory moves the inventory to a location specific to each instance, normally, under APPS BASE location for that instance.
Normally, inventory is placed in a location which is commonly shared by all the instances on that server. Such configuration poses a lot of problems during clones. But enabling central inventory moves the inventory to a location specific to each instance, normally, under APPS BASE location for that instance.
Below process moves the inventory files from existing
location to a instance specific
1. 1. Edit the context file and set the value of the context variable s_ebs_central_inventory
to 'true'.
2. Run AutoConfig.
3. Run the following command:
$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkMigrateInventory.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE
Add or Delete Managed servers as required
Add MS
$ perl/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
ebs-create-managedserver -contextfile= \
-managedsrvname=oacore_server2 -servicetype=oacore \
-managedsrvport=7203 -logfile=/TXK/addMS_oacoreserver2.log
Start newly added Managed server
admanagedsrvctl.sh start oacore_server2
Delete MS
Stop the server
admanagedsrvctl.sh stop oacore_server2
$ perl/patch/115/bin/adProvisionEBS.pl \
ebs-delete-managedserver \
-contextfile= -managedsrvname=oacore_server2
-servicetype=oacore -logfile=/TXK/delMS_oacoreserver2.log
$ perl/patch/115/bin/txkSetAppsConf.pl
-contextfile= \
-configoption=removeMS -oacore=testserver.example.com:7205
Post-Upgrade steps
Keep Concurrent programs on hold as required
Disable alerts if not desired,
Enable triggers that are disabled before upgrade
Ensure the softlinks are updated with right locations
Ensure DBA_DIRECTORIES point to correct directories
Enable audit trail on R122
Configure WorkFlow
Compile Invalids and schedule periodically
Bring up Application Services
Run and Schedule weeky Gather Schema statistics for ALL schemas with estimate percent 40.
Schedule other Purge and workflow background processes requests
Startup application services and Clear Cache
Run fs_clone
Run adpreclone.pl on DB and Apps
SLA Update
If SLA data is not upgraded completely during upgrade window, this can be done after upgrade is completed as follows:
1. Update profile option as required or in steps of 6 months -- SLA: Initial Date for Historical Upgrade
2. Run xla5584908.drv
adop phase=apply options=nocopyportion patchtop=$XLA_TOP/patch/115 patches=driver:xla5584908.drv hotpatch=yes
2. Run AutoConfig.
3. Run the following command:
$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/txkMigrateInventory.pl -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE
Add or Delete Managed servers as required
Add MS
$ perl
ebs-create-managedserver -contextfile=
-managedsrvname=oacore_server2 -servicetype=oacore \
-managedsrvport=7203 -logfile=
Start newly added Managed server
admanagedsrvctl.sh start oacore_server2
Delete MS
Stop the server
admanagedsrvctl.sh stop oacore_server2
$ perl
ebs-delete-managedserver \
-servicetype=oacore -logfile=
$ perl
-configoption=removeMS -oacore=testserver.example.com:7205
Post-Upgrade steps
Keep Concurrent programs on hold as required
Disable alerts if not desired,
Enable triggers that are disabled before upgrade
Ensure the softlinks are updated with right locations
Ensure DBA_DIRECTORIES point to correct directories
Enable audit trail on R122
Configure WorkFlow
Compile Invalids and schedule periodically
Bring up Application Services
Run and Schedule weeky Gather Schema statistics for ALL schemas with estimate percent 40.
Schedule other Purge and workflow background processes requests
Startup application services and Clear Cache
Run fs_clone
Run adpreclone.pl on DB and Apps
SLA Update
If SLA data is not upgraded completely during upgrade window, this can be done after upgrade is completed as follows:
1. Update profile option as required or in steps of 6 months -- SLA: Initial Date for Historical Upgrade
2. Run xla5584908.drv
adop phase=apply options=nocopyportion patchtop=$XLA_TOP/patch/115 patches=driver:xla5584908.drv hotpatch=yes
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