Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Output Post Processor

 What is Output Post Processor?

Concurrent Processing now uses the Output Post Processor (OPP) to enforce post-processing actions for concurrent requests.Post-processing actions are actions taken on

concurrent request output. An example of a post-processing action is that used in Concurrent Processing support of XML Publisher.

If a request is submitted with an XML Publisher template specified as a layout for the concurrent request output, then after the concurrent manager finishes running

the concurrent program, it will contact the OPP to apply the XML Publisher template and create the final output.

OPP runs as a service that can be managed through Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) from the System Activity page (Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Applications

Service (from the dropdown list) > Go).

How to Increase the number of Output Post Processors?
1.Log on to Applications with “System Administrator” responsibility.
2.Navigate to Concurrent -> Manager -> Define.
3.Query for the “Output Post Processor” service.
4.Click on “Work Shifts” and increase the number of processes

How to get OPP manager log file location?

$APPLCSF/log/<SID>/FNDOPP####.txt       OR
1,System Administrator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
2,Search for ‘Output Post Processor’
3,Click the ‘Processes’ button .
4,Click the Manager Log button. This will open the ‘OPP’
Upload the OPP log file.

 ls -ltrh FNDOPP*

In some cases, Output Post Processor is not start up and it shows Actual and Target are showing different values when we query for Output Post Processor.
The log files shows that no error message.In this case apply the following possible solution for starting the OPP.

1. Shutdown the internal manager by using stop apps/apps
2. Make sure there is no FNDLIBR processe running:
$ ps -ef| grep FNDLIBR OR ps -ef|grep applprod|grep FNDLIBR
3. If there is any FNDLIBR processe please kill it $ kill -9 pid
4. Run cmclean.sql script as document from Note 134007.1
5. Restart the internal manager by using start apps/apps

or How to kill and start Output Post Processor (OPP) Background:
This article explains how to kill OPP and restart the same

1,System Administator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
2,Query "Output Post Processor" -> Processes button
Get the sytem id of "Output Post Processor"
3,ps -ef|grep [system id]
4,kill -9 [system id] in Unix
5,System Administator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
6,Query "Output Post Processor" -> Restart button

Fixing Output Post-processor actions failed issues in EBS R12

Environment: Oracle EBS 12.1.3, Oracle Database 11gR2, RedHat Linux5

Users unable to open the out files.

Concurrent requests failed with “Post-processing of request failed error message”

One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.

No further attempts will be made to post-process this request.


The concurrent manager process was able to successfully invoke the Output Post-Processor (OPP) but encountered a timeout as the OPP takes longer than the value

assigned to complete the job.


1,Increase the value of profile Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout . Bounce Apache and retest.
2,If the issue still exists, perform the following steps.
3,Increase the number of Output Post Processors as follows:
4,Increase the number of processes for Output Post Processor.
5,Additionally, ensure there is a setting of  oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=5 under Parameters.


We had an incident for XML reports not being Post Processed.  I checked the logs for the reported request id and one of the processes on amxp05cm01b was giving OutOfMemoryError errors.  So I have restarted OPP on that node.  Can you please monitor the logs to check that the issue is not on-going?  We already have the max memory 2GB per process allocated, so if it does re-occur we need to raise an SR with Oracle.

grep 93399877 *OPP*
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [OPPServiceThread0] Post-processing request 93399877.
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877] Executing post-processing actions for req                                      uest 93399877.
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877] Starting XML Publisher post-processing ac                                      tion.
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877]
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877] Output file was found but is zero sized -                                       Deleted
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [334418:RT93399877] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:                                       Java heap space
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877] Completed post-processing actions for req                                      uest 93399877

XML Post Processor

XML Post Processor output was not comingin PDF format instead of it comioig ni XML format

--- Error messges shows the problem with OPP.

  don’t this this program (Statement Generation Program – Request id’s 88960874 and 88960963 ) is running through OPP as it was running from Standard Manager2.
 I checked ARXSGPO template and looks like default output type defined as “PDF”.
I did see this program was submitted today since a week, as this was executed at first on Thursday 06/01/2017 @ 13:58. There was another concurrent request “Statement Generation Program (XML Report Publisher)” was executed on May 26th.

Even though the Concurrent Program says XML the Statement Print should come out in PDF based on below set up:

We have the soft link missing for ARXSGPO.rdf and this rdf was updated on May 28th with CR # 42406 applied at May 28, 2017 10:03:04 AM CDT on OPRD(adpatch) (application: Oracle Accounts Receivables). Just recreated the link to point the standard program to custom program. I had taken the backup of the standard report before creating the soft link. I have submitted the “Statement Generated Program” and its completed successfully and also spawns the child program as well. I can see the output in PDF format. Please verify the same and let us know further.

XML Publisher

XML Publisher is a simple engine. It needs only 3 input values to generate report.
1.Data to display on report(in XML format)
2.Layout model/presentation(in XSL-FO format or RTF)
3.Final output type (PDF, Doc, HTML, etc)

Points to Note:
o XML publisher doesn’t care about how you are generating xml data. Only it needs is, your actual data(text file, excel file, data in DB) must be converted in xml format(calling XML Data) as input to the engine. To get this, you can write your own xml data or use Oracle Reports to generate xml data or use any other third party tools to generate xml data from actual data.
o XSL-FO stands for Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects. Used to present XML Data in readable and user friendly format. But normal user understands very little in this, so there is an alternative i.e. user friendly RTF. You do presentation work on RTF file and give this as input to the XML Publisher engine. XML Publisher converts RTF into XSL-FO.
What is new here?
We are using Oracle Reports(rdf file) to generate XML data.
Run CP
———–Oracle Reports(RDF)—–>Generates XML Data–>
| |—>XML Pub Engine–>CP Output(in PDF or etc)
–Finds template from XML Publihser Admin resp–>RTF file–>
Summary Steps:
1. Create Oracle Report(XXXX_TEST.rdf)
2. Define/Register Concurrent Program(XXXX_TEST)
3. Create Template Definition and Template(XXXX_TEST.rtf)
4. Run CP and Show XML Publisher report in PDF format(XXXX_TEST_OUTPUT.pdf)

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Shell Scripting

What does #!/usr/bin/ksh means in shell scripting?
 It  is the first line in a shell script always
it signals os that the script is to be executed by ksh (instead of any of the other shells)
 shebang is the character sequence consisting of the characters number sign and exclamation mark (#!)

What do $? $0 $1 $2 mean in shell script?
These are positional arguments of the script. OSPT APPSONLY NOCOPY_APPSBIN   ( here $0 –, $1 – OSPT and so on )
 If parameter to is less than 1 then it would ask Usage
 test is an program which lets you perform various tests

if test $# -lt  1
   echo " Usage:   $0  SID APPSONLY(optional) NOCOPY_APPSBIN(optional)"
   exit 9

Whats the use of awk and substrr ?
   substr(s, a, b) : it returns b number of chars from string s, starting at position a. The parameter b is optional.
   Awk prints the output .

   export I=`echo $1|awk '{ print substr($1,1,1)}'` OSPT will return O

Friday, April 20, 2018

Very inportatnt

Oracel R12 Installatiion

Oracle R12 cloning

install oracle 11g


Copied file /OPRDQC/shared/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/resource/CUSTOM.pll from resource/CUSTOM.pll /OPRDQC/shared/apps/tech_st/10.1.2/bin/frmcmp_batch module=/OPRDQC/shared/apps/apps_st/appl/au/12.0.0/resource/CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/*********** Module_Type=library compile_all=y Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)

Mike/Murali -  Patch 14279929 is not obsolete for 12.1 EBS its obsolete only for 12.0, I applied below to F12DEV3 and updated CR with instructions.

Acknowledging your last update on the Service Request.

Perform the following step and let me know what error you are getting.

Upload the screenshot of the error, if any.

Go to $AU_TOP/forms/US.
Execute the following command: userid=apps/apps module= $AU_TOP/forms/US/APXPAWKB.fmb output_file=$AP_TOP/forms/US/APXPAWKB.fmx
module_type=form batch=no compile_all=special

1. Take a backup of your current CUSTOM.pll/plx
2. Copy the CUSTOM.pll.DBA to CUSTOM.pll and CUSTOM.plx.DBA to CUSTOM.plx
3. After that, try to compile the CSFFEDBF.fmb again and let me know if you still get the exact same errors or not.

Now form compilation throwing below error while generating the form .

[OSPT1]--> module=CSFFEDBF.fmb userid=apps/***** output_file=CSFFEDBF.fmx module_type=form compile_all=special
Forms 10.1 (Form Compiler) Version (Production)

Hi David/Simon,

Instead of applying patch, we changed the TNS_ADMIN and ORACLE_HOME entries in as below:


Tried re-compiling CSFFEDBF.fmb on OSPT1 and it completed with errors. Attached is the log file.

So as per Oracle SR update, performed below steps and CSFFEDBF.fmb was compiled successfully on OSPT1. Log file is attached.

Normally, the non-customized CUSTOM.pll/plx will be the one with a file size of 20480. In your case, that will be:

So, what you can do is:

1. Take a backup of your current CUSTOM.pll/plx
2. Copy the CUSTOM.pll.DBA to CUSTOM.pll and CUSTOM.plx.DBA to CUSTOM.plx
3. After that, try to compile the CSFFEDBF.fmb again and let me know if you still get the exact same errors or not.

I placed a new CUSTOM.pll.DMV and placed it into $AU_TOP/resource on OSPT1.  Would you please retest using this PLL?

David Vogelsang | Acelity
Manager Application Development

a:  5751 Northwest Parkway, San Antonio  TX 78249
o:  210-255-6461

We have to use frmcmp (Form Compiler) for compiling forms and libraries in Oracle Applications Version R12, But for 11i we need to use f60gen to compile forms and libraries which is deprecated in R12.

 java -Xmx2048m -jar panaya-ptl-extractor.jar w1ndm1ll /stage/patches/panaya/OPRD/25949781

7933    adpatch driver=u22297430.drv logfile=u22297430.log options=hotpatch workers=12
7934    cat /OSPT1/shared/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/OSPT1_BALANCE/log/u22297430.log | grep -i error
7935    cat /OSPT1/shared/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/OSPT1_BALANCE/log/u22297430.log | grep -i fail
7936    ospt1

cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/
perl --compile --flush -p 6

flush forces recompilation of all parent JSPs
p paralell

8517    WFLOAD apps/w1ndm1ll@OSPT1 0 Y DOWNLOAD ARCMREQ.wft ARCMREQ

2090    cd cd $FND_TOP/resource
2091    cd $FND_TOP/resource
2092    ls -lrt ixlib.cfg
2093    cp -p ixlib.cfg ixlib.cfg_123_bkp
2094    vi ixlib.cfg
2095    ls -lrt pasta.cfg
2096    view pasta.cfg
2097    view ixlib.cfg
2098    cp -p ixlib.cfg ixlib.cfg_1221r
2099    cp -p pasta.cfg pasta.cfg_1221r
2100    vi ixlib.cfg
2101    ls -lrt /OPRDQC/shared/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/resource/ALBANWTJ.ttf
2102    vi pasta.cfg
2103    ls -lrt /OPRDQC/shared/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/resource/ADUOK.ttf
2104    sqlplus

1855    adpatch driver=u23338547.drv logfile=u23338547.log options=hotpatch workers=12
1856    cat /OPRDQC/shared/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/OPRDQC_BALANCE/log/u23338547.log | grep -i error
1857    cat /OPRDQC/shared/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/OPRDQC_BALANCE/log/u23338547.log | grep -i fail
1858    cat /OPRDQC/shared/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/OPRDQC_BALANCE/log/u23338547.log | grep -i warning


perl --compile --flush -p 6

8316    clear
8317    cd $INST_TOP/admin/scripts
8318    ls -ltr
8319    ./ status

java -jar panaya-extractor.jar w1ndm1ll F -customJavaTop=$JAVA_TOP


ü  To relink executables only in $AD_TOP/bin we should use script
ü  To relink executables in product tops(PROD_TOP/bin) use relink application program of  adadmin
ü  To relink executables in 10.1.2 oracle home use $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/

ü  To relink executables in 10.1.3 oracle home use $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/

Implementation Instructions: $ cd <12.1_INSTALL_DIR>/apps/tech_s
$ cp -p -R stubs stubsORIG
$ cd stubs
$ cp /stage/patches/12415211/files/
so .
$ ln -s
$ ln -s


The instructions for the 10.1.3 Oracle Home are:

$ cd <12.1_INSTALL_DIR>/apps/tech_s
$ cp -p -R stubs stubsORIG
$ cd stubs
$ cp /stage/patches /12415211/files/lib/stubs/libg .
$ ln -s
$ ln -s



FNDSM can be sensitive when it comes to listener disconnects or time outs.
FNDSM_AMXQ05EXT01A_OPRDQC died and has no listener connection for the service.

Simplest troubleshooting to insure it is reset:
Insure the Service Manager is setup for nodeA
Bring the managers down.
Kill the FNDLIBR processes at the OS level (do a kill -9 to insure the database connection is also reset at startup)
Run the Recovery Wizard from Document 134007.1
Bring the managers up again.

If there is still an issue, then \relink the FND executables.
cd $FND_TOP/bin
$ force=y link_debug=y "fnd FNDLIBR"
$ force=y link_debug=y "fnd FNDCRM"
$ force=y link_debug=y "fnd FNDSM"

If there is still an issue then,
 Check for core.* files under $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG.
Can set ulimit -c unlimited to get core dump when the issue happens again.
Upload the core file for review.

Also upload screenshots of the Concurrent% profile setting or the instance and the listener.ora file for review to insure the entries for nodeA are valid:
Check the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora
 For example:
1. Make sure that both the FNDFS SID_DESC and FNDSM SID_DESC entry are present in the Listener.ora

( ORACLE_HOME = /apps/oracle/prodora/8.0.6 )
( PROGRAM = /apps/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDFS )
( envs='EPC_DISABLED=TRUE,NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.US7ASCII,LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/apps/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/lib:/usr/ucblib,LIBPATH=/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/apps/oracle/prodora/8.0.6/lib' )
( SID_DESC = ( SID_NAME = FNDSM_<dbname> )
( ORACLE_HOME = /apps/oracle/prodora/8.0.6 )
( PROGRAM = /apps/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDSM )
( envs='MYAPPSORA=/apps/oracle/prodappl/APPSORA.env,PATH=/usr/bin,FNDSM_SCRIPT=/apps/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/'))

2. If the FNDFS SID_DESC entry "envs" setting includes LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPATH and/or SHLIB_PATH, shorten the envs setting to include only 1 LIBRARY reference,
or exclude all the LIB settings.

( ORACLE_HOME = /apps/oracle/prodora/8.0.6 )
( PROGRAM = /apps/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDFS )
( SID_DESC = ( SID_NAME = FNDSM_<dbname> )
( ORACLE_HOME = /apps/oracle/prodora/8.0.6 )
( PROGRAM = /apps/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/FNDSM )
( envs='MYAPPSORA=/apps/oracle/prodappl/APPSORA.env,PATH=/usr/bin,FNDSM_SCRIPT=/apps/oracle/prodappl/fnd/11.5.0/bin/')

If there is still an issue then patch should be applied,
Patch 17814970: INCORRECT ERROR HANDLING FOR TERMINATED REQUESTS incorrect error handling during the ICM functions of terminating requests, cleaning up dead managers, and shutting down because the requests are dying when the connection is not made.
1) Please download and review the readme for Patch 17814970: Incorrect Error Handling for Terminated Requests.
2) Please apply Patch 17814970 in a Test environment initially before application to any Production instance.
3) Please retest the issue.
4) If the issue is resolved, please migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.
Note: I understand that you are going live and now is not an advantageous time for patching; however, the requests are dying.
Thank You

File System

File System

 1. What all directories will be there under any “product” top
Ans Ã 
cd $AP_TOP (Example of product top AP) (Below are various directory under each product top – ad, ap, gl..)
admin  bin  forms  help  html  lib  log  mds  media  mesg  out  patch  reports  sql  xml
--- “forms” contains all .fmx (compiled version of forms)
---“mesg” contains language specific message files and error message for the product.
--- "bin” directory contains executable files like in $AP_TOP/bin you will see APPBCF  APTZGF  apxamex.ctl                apxboav.ctl  apxdiner.ctl  apxgecmc.ctl  apxusbv.ctl  APXXTR
patch direcotry contians pathc deliverables. 

--- "reports"- will have rdf ( datamodel) file. Its used with rtf file to generate outfile xml file.

5) Location of the .odf file

odf stands for Object Description Files used to create tables & other database objects.

This file also exists in $AP_TOP/admin

8) Location of .pls files


9) To find .lct file

To find .rtf 

10) To find .lpc file

.lpc are generally part of .exe files eg. rvtbm.lpc. The relevant command is as follows:

[OSPT1]-->echo $AU_TOP

cd $AU_TOP/resource
 -- custom.pll / .pll and plx files pls filse

cd $AU_TOP/forms/US

 -- .fmb files


65: How to compile JSP in Oracle Apps ?

You can use perl script shipped with Oracle apps to compile JSP files. This script is under $JTF_TOP/admin/scripts. Sample compilation method is

perl --compile --quiet

[F12SPT]-->echo $XDO_TOP

cd $AP_TOP/patch/115/publisher

Hi Where can we find the .rtf files in server loaded through XML Publisher Administrator-->Template?
You can go to the $XDO_TOP/patch/115/publisher/templates/US.

XDO- A type of XML file used to keep track of various resources.

Also what is temporary directory set for XML Publisher Administrator? 

SQL> select value from apps.XDO_CONFIG_VALUES WHERE property_code = 'SYSTEM_TEMP_DIR'; 



*** If the file system grows****

Check to see if debug is turned on for XDO
find . -name xdodebug.cfg
find . -name xdodebug.cfg
find -name xdodebug.cfg
in all three locations search for xdodebug.cfg if it exists stop cm, remove the file and restart cm and see if xdo_top/temp is growing
And any file under $XDO_TOP/temp

2. Where are .fmb (Forms) stored
Ans Ã They will be under $AU_TOP/forms/US
NOTE* .fmb and .fmx are different

6. How to compile apps schema and when to compile??
àYou can use “adadmin” utility to compile apps schema (other methods like utlrp.sql exists). Usually you compile apps  after application of the patches, maintanance patch, upgrade, runtime error due to AD_DDL packages or scenarios where there are invalid objects in apps schema.
7. How many database connections are allowed during fresh installation of oracle application.
à100. (Number has increased to 250 for Pluggable Databases in 12c)

"hi, we have a requirement that, we need to make a xml based report without rdf and output should be in Excel, actual we have four sql queries so the output should come in one excel sheet with four tab for four queries."


Without .rdf, it is not possible to create a xml publisher report, you have to
have .rdf file, you can create report via discoverer but that is one of the tool
available outside the ERP.

As you require four tab for your four queries, I have no clue about it, but you
can include all the four queries in different data model in rdf and based on the
condition you can show them in rtf file, which gives you output in Excel.

[OTST1_BALANCE]-->echo $APPL_TOP                        -- top level application directory ( take snapshot of it)

[OTST1_BALANCE]-->echo $AD_TOP                                   - Admin utility binaries
echo $AD_Top/bin

 What is adsplice utility ?
   adsplice in oracle apps is utility to add a new product.

 How can you licence a product after installation ?
    You can use ad utility adlicmgr to licence product in Oracle Apps.
  Licence manager(adlicmgr) utility is used to licence/unlicence , enable new       languages,enbale country specific functionality.

 adident utility is used for what ?
 adident utility in oracle apps is used to find version of any file . AD Identification.
 or ex. "adident Header <filename>
 $ strings -a|grep '$Header'

How to compile Invalid Objects in database ?
 You can use adadmin utility to compile or you can use utlrp.sql script shipped with Oracle Database to compile Invalid Database Objects.

 What are various options available with adpatch ?
 Various options available with adpatch depending on your AD version are
  autoconfig, check_exclusive, checkfile, compiledb, compilejsp, copyportion, databaseprtion, generateportion, hotpatch, integrity, maintainmrc, parallel, prereq, validate

 How to compile an Oracle Reports file ?
  Utility adrepgen is used to compile Reports. Synatx is given below

adrepgen userid=apps\<psswd> source = $PRODUCT_TOP\srw\filename.rdf dest=$PRODUCT_TOP\srw\filename.rdf stype=rdffile dtype=rdffile logfile=x.log overwrite=yes batch=yes dunit=character

 What are the post installation task?
  Running adjkey –initialize and then runnning adadmin to regerate jar files.

 How you will start Discoverer in Oracle Apps 11i ?
 In order to start dicoverer you can use script under $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME or under $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util (under Middle/Application Tier)

 if we run autoconfig which files will get effected?

 cd $AD_TOP/bin
 ls -tlrh ===>run this file it will ask for apps password ,you can use it in 11i/r12 ===> It will generate HTML report.
 This report will list all files and profile options going to change when you run autoconfig.

What is difference between adpatch & opatch ?
 adpatch is utility to apply oracle apps Patches whereas
 opatch is utility to apply database patches

Can you use both adpatch & opatch in Apps ?
 Yes you have to use both in apps , for apps patches you will use adpatch utility and for applying database patch in apps you will opatch utility.

 AD Utility Name: AD Controller
 Executable: adctrl
 Purpose: To know the status of Auto Upgrade, AD Administration, Auto Patch workers and control their actions.

  What is adrelink?
 adrelink will relink the executables with the libraries. Generally we will go for adrelink when some patch delivers some library files, or when executables were corrupted.

  What is adodfcmp utility?
  This utility is used to recreate/repair corrupted database objects from odf(object defination files) files.

How To Recreate the /appsutil/scripts/ directory
 a. On the Application Tier (as the APPLMGR user)
   Log in to the APPL_TOP environment (source the environment file) cd $AD_TOP/bin
   perl /bin/
   This will create in $APPL_TOP/admin/out .
 b. On the Database Tier (as the ORACLE user):
   Copy or FTP the file to the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME
      unzip -o
  Generate your Database Context File follow the steps below:
       On UNIX cd . .env
       cd /appsutil/bin perl tier=db appsuser= appspasswd=

 c.  Run autoconfig
      On UNIX cd /appsutil/bin, run contextfile= appspass=After running contextfile= appspass= ,the scripts directory "/appsutil/scripts//" is created in appsutil directory.
 After running contextfile= appspass= ,the scripts directory "/appsutil/scripts//" is created in appsutil directory

In how many phases autoconfig will run?

 Autoconfig will run in 3 phases.

1.INIT – Instantiate the drivers and templates
2.SETUP – Fill the templated with values from xml and create files
3.PROFILE – Update the profile values in database.

Is it possiable to restore a autoconfig run?

Partially. Adconfig will create a script at $APPL_TOP/admin//out/. This will copy the backed up files before autoconfig run to its original
locations. But the profile values updated in the database can’t be restored back.

How to run autoconfig in test mode? script at AD_TOP/bin. This script will run autoconfig in test mode and create the difference file which tells us what is going to change , when u actually

run autoconfig.


For each utility three files are presented.
[applvision@apps bin]$ ls -ltrh adadmin adadminnew adadmin_wrapper
-rwxr-xr-x 1 applvision applmgr 9.2K Dec 31  2006 adadmin_wrapper
-rwxr-xr-x 1 applvision applmgr 9.2K Mar 27  2009 adadmin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 applvision applmgr 3.5M Mar 30  2009 adadminnew
[applvision@apps bin]$

First two files are wrapper files and both are same in size.
 ==>adadmin will internall call adadminnew
 ==>adadminnew is key executable which calls adadmin.

What happen if we lost adadminnew?

adadmin will not work.


[applvision@apps bin]$ mv adadminnew adadminnew_14sep2013
[applvision@apps bin]$ adadmin
sh: /apps/vision/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/adadminnew: No such file or directory
[applvision@apps bin]$

What we had to do if we lost adadminnew?

If we lost adadminnew we can recreate it by using

[applvision@apps bin]$ mv adadminnew adadminnew_14sep2013
[applvision@apps bin]$ adadmin
sh: /apps/vision/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/bin/adadminnew: No such file or directory
[applvision@apps bin]$

Now fire the below command to recreate it.
 $AD_TOP/bin/ force=y "ad admin adadmin"
 NOTE: force=y indicates to check for all libraries.

if we lost and script.Is it possible to regenrate it?

Both are the shell scripts.Its not possible to regenerate it.
we need to copy it from other server.

 How can we generate env file?
 BY using adadmin
Choose Maintain Applications file menu.
Create application environment file
Above is applicable in 11i and in R12 i don't see this option.
Run autoconfig.

if we lost dbc,can we recreate it?
 Yes ,we can re create dbc file.
 To generate dbc file run autoconfig(OR) Execute script.

 Using adadmin is it possible to relink ad product?
 No,we cannot do it using

 what is the configuration file of adutilities?
 adconfig.txt which is located at $APPL_TOP/admin.

 How oracle will know some adadmin session is running or not?
 It will know from restart file.
 cd $APPL_TOP/admin/$SID/restart


 Which adutlilty will not create table in the database?
 adident utility will not create table in the dataabase.


15: What is .dbc file , where its stored , whats use of .dbc file ?

dbc as name says is database connect descriptor file which stores database connection information used by application tier to connect to database. This file is in directory $FND_TOP/secure also called as FND_SECURE

49: What is *.dbc file & whats is location of dbc file ?

dbc as name stands for is database connect descriptor file used to connect to database. This file by default located in $FND_TOP/secure directory also called as $FND_SECURE directory.

50: What is content of dbc file & why its important ?

DBC file is quite important as whenever Java or any other program like forms want to connect to database it uses dbc file. Typical entry in dbc file is




51: There are lot of dbc file under $FND_SECURE, How its determined that which dbc file to use from $FND_SECURE ?

This value is determined from profile option "Applications Database ID"

111: What is FNDSM ?

FNDSM is executable & core component in GSM ( Generic Service Management Framework discussed above). You start FNDSM services via APPS listener on all Nodes in Application Tier in E-Business Suite.

97: What are .ldt & .lct files which you see in apps patch or with FNDLOAD ?

.ldt & .lct stands for Loader datafile & Loader configuration files, used frequently in migrating customization, profile options, configuration data, etc.. across Instances.

95: If by mistake you/someone deleted FNDLIBR can this executable be restored if Yes, How& if no, what will you do ?

Yes, you can restore FNDLIBR executables

run adadmin on concurrent manager node

select option 2. Maintain Applications Files menu

then select 1. Relink Applications programs

when prompts for

Enter list of products to link ('all' for all products) [all]

select FND

when prompt for

Generate specific executables for each selected product [No] ? YES

select YES

& from list of executables select FNDLIBR

This will create new FNDLIBR executables.

87: What is 0 & Y in FNDCPASS, FNDLOAD or WFLOAD ?

0 & Y are flags for FND Executable like FNDCPASS & FNDLOAD where

0 is request id (request ID 0 is assigned to request ID's which are not submitted via Submit Concurrent Request Form.

'Y' indicates the method of invocation. i.e. it is directly invoked from the command-line not from the Submit Request Form.

80: How to retrieve SYSADMIN password ?

If forgot password link is enabled and sysadmin account is configured with mail id user forget password link else you can reset sysadmin password via FNDCPASS.

52: What is RRA/FNDFS ?

Report Review Agent(RRA) also referred by executable FNDFS is default text viewer in Oracle Applications 11i for viewing output files & log files. As most of apps dba's are not clear about Report Server & RRA, I'll discuss one on my blog and update link here .


How to compile forms in oracle.
frmcmp_batch location -> $ORACLE_HOME/bin

Go to $AU_TOP/forms/US.
Execute the following command: userid=apps/apps module= $AU_TOP/forms/US/APXPAWKB.fmb output_file=$AP_TOP/forms/US/APXPAWKB.fmx
module_type=form batch=no compile_all=special

compile_all=special  in case we use costom pll/plx i.e customized ffiles.
*** Why would we get a TNS error when recompiling a form?
, we changed the TNS_ADMIN and ORACLE_HOME entries in as below:



78: Where is plssql cache stored in Oracle Apps ?
Usually two type of cache session & plssql stored under $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cache

77: Where is HTML Cache stored in Oracle Apps Server ?

Oracle HTML Cache is available at $COMMON_TOP/_pages for some previous versions you might find it in $OA_HTML/_pages


[OSPT1]-->echo $INST_TOP

admin  logs     out   portal  soa   appl   certs   ora                      


6)what is the location of context file in 11i/r12?

Database side: $ORACLE_HOME/appsutit/<sid>.<hostname>.xml

11i *:  $APPL_TOP/admin/<sid>_<hostname>.xml
R12*: $INST_TOP/appl/admin

114)How can we generate dbc file?.
By running autoconfig.
cd $INST_TOP/admin/install
By executing a file file.
Its better to run file as it will take less than a minute to create dbc file where as autoconfig will take more than 5mins.

7)How to run autoconfig in 11i/R12?

The procdure is same in 11i and R12 but the location is different.
cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME

in the above location you will find file.just give filename and hit enter it will ask for apps password.

cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME (OR) cd $INST_TOP/admin/scripts
in the above location you will find file.just give filename and hit enter it will ask for apps password.
if you run file which in turn call file which further call should not worry about the later two script its only for information.