Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Output Post Processor

 What is Output Post Processor?

Concurrent Processing now uses the Output Post Processor (OPP) to enforce post-processing actions for concurrent requests.Post-processing actions are actions taken on

concurrent request output. An example of a post-processing action is that used in Concurrent Processing support of XML Publisher.

If a request is submitted with an XML Publisher template specified as a layout for the concurrent request output, then after the concurrent manager finishes running

the concurrent program, it will contact the OPP to apply the XML Publisher template and create the final output.

OPP runs as a service that can be managed through Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) from the System Activity page (Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Applications

Service (from the dropdown list) > Go).

How to Increase the number of Output Post Processors?
1.Log on to Applications with “System Administrator” responsibility.
2.Navigate to Concurrent -> Manager -> Define.
3.Query for the “Output Post Processor” service.
4.Click on “Work Shifts” and increase the number of processes

How to get OPP manager log file location?

$APPLCSF/log/<SID>/FNDOPP####.txt       OR
1,System Administrator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
2,Search for ‘Output Post Processor’
3,Click the ‘Processes’ button .
4,Click the Manager Log button. This will open the ‘OPP’
Upload the OPP log file.

 ls -ltrh FNDOPP*

In some cases, Output Post Processor is not start up and it shows Actual and Target are showing different values when we query for Output Post Processor.
The log files shows that no error message.In this case apply the following possible solution for starting the OPP.

1. Shutdown the internal manager by using stop apps/apps
2. Make sure there is no FNDLIBR processe running:
$ ps -ef| grep FNDLIBR OR ps -ef|grep applprod|grep FNDLIBR
3. If there is any FNDLIBR processe please kill it $ kill -9 pid
4. Run cmclean.sql script as document from Note 134007.1
5. Restart the internal manager by using start apps/apps

or How to kill and start Output Post Processor (OPP) Background:
This article explains how to kill OPP and restart the same

1,System Administator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
2,Query "Output Post Processor" -> Processes button
Get the sytem id of "Output Post Processor"
3,ps -ef|grep [system id]
4,kill -9 [system id] in Unix
5,System Administator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
6,Query "Output Post Processor" -> Restart button

Fixing Output Post-processor actions failed issues in EBS R12

Environment: Oracle EBS 12.1.3, Oracle Database 11gR2, RedHat Linux5

Users unable to open the out files.

Concurrent requests failed with “Post-processing of request failed error message”

One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.

No further attempts will be made to post-process this request.


The concurrent manager process was able to successfully invoke the Output Post-Processor (OPP) but encountered a timeout as the OPP takes longer than the value

assigned to complete the job.


1,Increase the value of profile Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout . Bounce Apache and retest.
2,If the issue still exists, perform the following steps.
3,Increase the number of Output Post Processors as follows:
4,Increase the number of processes for Output Post Processor.
5,Additionally, ensure there is a setting of  oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=5 under Parameters.


We had an incident for XML reports not being Post Processed.  I checked the logs for the reported request id and one of the processes on amxp05cm01b was giving OutOfMemoryError errors.  So I have restarted OPP on that node.  Can you please monitor the logs to check that the issue is not on-going?  We already have the max memory 2GB per process allocated, so if it does re-occur we need to raise an SR with Oracle.

grep 93399877 *OPP*
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [OPPServiceThread0] Post-processing request 93399877.
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877] Executing post-processing actions for req                                      uest 93399877.
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877] Starting XML Publisher post-processing ac                                      tion.
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877]
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877] Output file was found but is zero sized -                                       Deleted
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [UNEXPECTED] [334418:RT93399877] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:                                       Java heap space
FNDOPP334418.txt:[10/6/17 11:52:39 AM] [334418:RT93399877] Completed post-processing actions for req                                      uest 93399877

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